Research Center on Fictitious Economy & Data Science (FEDS) is a research institute under the directed leadership of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Cheng Siwei, former Vice-Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People‘s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, P. R. China is the founder of FEDS, while CAS “Hundred Talents Program” Professor Shi Yong as director of FEDS. Tian Yingjie and Wei Xianhua are the deputy director. There are six research labs including Fictitious Economy Research Lab, Data Mining and Optimization Research Lab, Green Economy Research Lab, Virtual Business Research Lab and Social Computing , E-Health Research Lab and China Venture Capital Research Group.
FEDS pays attention to interdisciplinary science research of fictitious economy and green economy based on data analysis, focuses on research of features and operation rules in fictitious economy and green economy using economic models and data mining technology. At present, the interdisciplinary studies cross over fictitious economy, green economy and data science become a new scientific frontier and have a broad application prospect.
Since establishment in 2007, researchers in FEDS have been received hundreds of scientific grants from China’s National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC), Ministry of China’s Science and Technology, other government departments, corporations and research institutions. The annal average funds is about 15 million RMB or more, including Innovation Group of NSFC “Data Mining and Intelligent Knowledge Management: Theory and Applications”.
FEDS has a high-tech and high quality research team, including eight professors, three associate professors, three research associate, fifteen post doctorates, eight overseas innovation team researchers as well as abou eleven visiting professors.
The center is working on numerous collaborations with other institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, such as the Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Institute of Computing Technology, Institute of Software, Institute of Automation, Institute of Policy and Management, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, etc.