声 明

  • 发布于 2015-11-16
  • 47563

作为中国科学院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心主任, 我慎重申明以下事项:


1 为促进中韩两国知识产权交流与合作活动,中国科学院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心(FEDS)为韩国知识产权前沿管理培训项目(IPAM)学生在北京中国科学院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心所在地提供了知识产权高端讲座课程,并为前来修课的韩国学生颁发由时任中心常务副主任石勇签字并盖有中心印章的修课证书。

2 中国科学院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心(FEDS)在韩国首尔并没有所谓“校园”, 仅在北京协助韩国知识产权前沿管理培训项目(IPAM)举办知识产权高端讲座课程。









As the director of Research Center on Fictitoutis Economy and Data Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, I formally declare the following:

  1. In order to enhance the exchange and collaboration between China and Korea in Intellectual Property, the Research Center on Fictitoutis Economy and Data Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (FEDS) and the IPAM Program of Korea had an agreement for the seminar courses of the IPAM Program taken by Korean students at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, and gave the certificate to these students, authored by Dr. Yong Shi, the Executive Deputy Director under the seal of FEDS.
  2. FEDS did not have any "campus" in Seoul, Korea but only jointly offered the IPAM program field-trip courses at Beijing.


Shi, Yong

Director of Research Center on Fictitoutis Economy and Data Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

November 9, 2015